Synctunes Desktop

Sen avulla voit synkronoida tietokoneen kanssa iTunes-kirjastoon.

luotettava LATAA 1.8 MB Ilmainen

Synctunes Desktop on ilmainen sovellus, jonka avulla voit synkronoida tietokoneen kanssa iTunes-kirjastoon.

Ohjelman avulla voit valita oman suosikki soittolistoja. Voit avata suosikki musiikkisoitin oman android puhelimen ja soittaa musiikkia, vaihtaa soittolistoja tai poistaa eri kappaleita.

Tämä ohjelma sai 1 palkintoa
Tämä ohjelma on virustarkistettu ja se on puhdas. Klikkaa tästä nähdäksesi tarkistusraportin.
luotettava LATAA 1.8 MB Ilmainen
Tekniset tiedot
Bit Studio
Maria 2 vuotta sitten

I use the pro version on my phone and I download my music from the Itunes library. Right now it is downloading all the Christmas music that I had deleted from my phone for the summer and all I asked for it to download the operas. It hasn't downloaded the operas but all Christmas music.

John R. Aberle 5 vuotta sitten

I've used the Pro version for several years. Yesterday I won't have given it a 5.0 rating because of recent problems getting it to work. Today I installed an update that fixes the album art problem, and I am now loading 14 files from my iTunes to my Samsung Galaxy Note9 Android Smartphone. I'm thrilled to have access to my podcasts and music again.

SoccerMel3 5 vuotta sitten

I appreciate this app so that I can still use my apple music on my recently aquired android. After being an apple user for the last several years I didn't want to loose all my music! It was a little tricky figuring out how to burn a disc (yes I still have to do this occasionally) and get it to play on my phone. I had to try a few music player apps for my phone to find success in that. Thanks for including this app for desktop transferring, it is so useful!

JaneV 4 kuukautta sitten

SoccerMel3, which app did you use, as last time I tried (a while ago tbh) I couldn't get it to work?

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